cathodic protection

Posted by & filed under Pipes.

Plant managers and industrial pipeline workers should be aware of all the threats of pipeline corrosion.

About 85% of all steel is under threat of oxidation and galvanic corrosion because it is carbon-based.

Controlling corrosion involves implementing cathodic protection; this utilizes a process of electrochemical reactions, which suppresses oxidation inside a galvanized cell at the anode.

Pipeline managers must have a cathodic protection plan in place.

Cathodic protection applied during the initial construction or installation can extend operation for more than 30 years past the average lifespan.

It’s time to start protecting infrastructure and reducing maintenance costs.

Types of Cathodic Protection

All pipelines and tanks made of steel are subjected to the environment’s harsh elements. You must be proactive before signs of failure show up and it’s too late. Protection is prevention.

Cathodic protection can be applied in two fundamental ways, but they both achieve the same goals of avoiding the oxidation process.

Galvanic Cathodic Protection

Galvanic corrosion involves a system of sacrifice, where two metals are bonded by electrical current, with one metal being substantially more susceptible to corrosion than the other, thereby forcing it to take on all the corrosion.

It’s a very effective way to protect large structures and pipelines made out of metal because the sacrificial anode does not have to be equal in size, just enough to provide a place for the electrochemical process to happen.

Galvanic anodes can be utilized in underground, underwater, indoor, and outdoor applications. There is no additional equipment to buy and no additional power source needed.

Impressed Current Systems (ICCP)

ICCP is most commonly used on large metal buildings and structures, where the coverage is expanded by a process called impressed current cathodic protection.

In this scenario, when electrolyte resistivity is too high, an anode is enhanced through the use of an external DC power supply.

Sometimes an AC transformer is used to provide the DC power, that way the ICCP can stay efficient through the use of solar, wind, or eco-friendly generators, keeping costs low and consistent.

Cathodic Protection Design

To be the best and most efficient, cathodic security frameworks must be comprised of smart design and smart planning.

The best cathodic protection is a tested design that includes:

  • A comprehension of the ecological conditions and the structure to be shielded from erosion
  • Audit of cathodic protection installation for the structure or application
  • Determination of which major cathodic type (Galvanic or ICCP) is appropriate.
  • Finish the cathodic assessment using exhaustive tests and illustrations using the most recent drafting technology.

Contractors must have experience in working with and installing cathodic protection and dealing with corrosion, otherwise a simple mistake can leave you completely vulnerable.

Dynagard’s pipe wear pads are a great alternative for those looking for an affordable solution to protect pipes from wear and corrosion.

Getting the Job Done Right

You have to start your pipeline protection at the beginning of its life, preferably.

Utilize Dynagard’s pipe wear pads during the installation or you might be fighting an uphill battle against corrosion.

Providing protection isn’t just one-and-done, either. You must continue inspecting and maintaining it for the rest of its life.

If you want to learn more about protecting your business, you should contact us. Our wide selection of Dynagard pipe wear pad solutions guarantees that you’ll never be at the mercy of the elements.

4 Responses to “The Beginner’s Guide to Cathodic Protection for Pipelines”

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