long-term pipeline integrity

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Engineering involves the balancing of competing interests. For example, heavier pipes may be more durable and less prone to failure, but heavier pipes cost more and require more robust supports. Adding more supports or stronger supports requires more labor to build and install and more construction materials.

One factor that is often missed in all of this balancing is the effect of those additional supports on the pipe itself. There is a trick question that is raised in engineering statics classes about whether it is better to support a pipeline with two supports (one at each joint) or three supports (one at each joint and one in the middle). In theory, three supports distribute the pipeline’s weight more evenly, with each support carrying less load in a three support system than a two support system.

But in the real world, the middle support adds a stress point to the pipeline. Moreover, the interface between the pipeline and the pipe support can cause pipe erosion and other effects that may result in pipeline failure. Here are three ways pipe supports can compromise long-term pipeline integrity and how pipe pads can prevent it:

Pipe Supports Wear Pipes

One of the primary causes of pipe erosion is a metal-to-metal interface that causes the outer surface of the pipe to wear. When pipelines are exposed to the elements, pipe erosion can be aggravated by dirt, sand, or other abrasives that get between the pipe support and the pipeline. Over time, long-term pipeline integrity can be reduced as the pipeline’s walls narrow and weaken. Abraded pipelines can leak or burst when pressurized.

Furthermore, when the walls of the pipeline weaken, the weight of the pipeline and the fluid inside can cause the walls to deform. This could cause the pipeline to bend at the pipe support.

Pipe wear pads, however, adhere to the surface of the pipeline. This prevents abrasives from getting between the pipeline and pipe support. By reducing abrasion and wear, pipe pads ensure the long-term pipeline integrity.

Pipe Supports Facilitate Exterior Pipe Corrosion

Not only can abrasives get between the pipeline and pipe support, but water can also leak into the interface. This can lead to galvanic corrosion as electrons are exchanged through the moisture trapped between the pipeline and pipe support. Galvanic corrosion will convert iron, which makes up anywhere between 80% and 98% of steel, into iron oxide — the scientific name for rust.

Rust, like wear, can weaken and narrow pipeline walls. As the full weight of the pipeline rests on the pipe support exactly where the wall has been weakened by corrosion, the support can punch through the wall, rupturing the pipeline. For an oil or chemical pipeline, it can be catastrophic when the long-term pipeline integrity is reduced by corrosion.

Galvanic corrosion requires three elements — an anode, a cathode, and an electrolyte. When the iron making up a steel pipeline corrodes, the iron acts as the anode, water acts as the electrolyte, and the pipe support acts as the cathode.

Pipe pads eliminate the electrolyte and the cathode. That is, the pipe pad adheres to the exterior surface of the pipeline. This seals out the water acting as an electrolyte. However, even if the adhesive does not seal the surface of the pipeline from moisture, the pipe pad itself is non-conductive. This means that the pipe pad cannot act as the cathode necessary for galvanic corrosion.

Stated differently, pipe pads electrically insulate pipelines from their supports. This eliminates corrosion by preventing both moisture penetration and metal on metal contact. Because the pipe pads are held in place by adhesive, no chemical mixing, straps, or hot work is required to secure them to pipelines.

Pipe Supports Can Become Stress Points on Pipes

Although it happens slowly over time, land moves. Soil and sand can erode, subside, and sink. This geologic action can be translated through pipe supports to pipes. As a result, pipes can sag, bend, and twist. Combined with abrasion, wear, and corrosion, these stresses can reduce the long-term pipeline integrity.

However, pipe pads can act as a shock absorber to reduce the stress translated from the pipe supports to the pipe.

Pipe pads can be essential to long-term pipeline integrity because of the stresses, wear, and corrosion that occurs between the pipeline and pipe supports.

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Metal corrosion problems costs the United States economy over $9 billion every year. To make sure your company doesn’t suffer from lost profits and lost time from pipe corrosion, you should invest in pipe wear pads.

Why does pipeline corrosion happen?

Metal corrosion happens whenever two pieces of metal in an industrial setting are touching each other. Metal on metal is what eventually leads to corrosion on the outside of pipes, beams, and supports. This is because pipes and supports vibrating against one another result in abrasion. This abrasion will wear away at the protective coatings on piping systems over time.

If there’s no protective coating on the pipes and nothing standing between the pipes and supports, corrosion is bound to take place, resulting in damage that can cost a lot of time and money to repair.

Because so much profit can be lost due to corroding pipes, it’s highly important that you ensure this is not a threat to your business’s success.

To avoid pipeline corrosion, you should be using DynaGard pipe wear pads. These pads can also protect from corrosion from the elements.

What are DynaGard pipe wear pads?

DynaGard is a pipeline corrosion protection system. It uses easy-to-install pipe wear pads. Once these are in place, they prevent pipes from coming into contact with support beams, thus preventing corrosion from taking place.

How do pipe wear pads work?

It’s not uncommon for companies to insert wear pads between pipes and supports to prevent abrasion and corrosion. However, most of the wear pads that these companies use require multiple steps to install. This adds complexity and increases the odds that something will go wrong.

The other problem with traditional wear pads is that they lack the properties needed to handle the intense pressure caused by mechanical and environmental stimuli. This can cause the wear pads themselves to break down over time, and if they aren’t replaced regularly, they won’t be able to protect pipes and preventing corrosion.

On the other side of the spectrum, DynaGard pipe wear pads are very different. They come with a preinstalled adhesive layer that fastens them securely to supports and pipes, so there’s no need to weld or glue them into place. They are also many times more durable than conventional wear pads.

These are just a handful of the many advantages to using DynaGard pipe wear pads over traditional wear pads. Get your piping systems protected today with DynaGard.pipe waer

pipe pads

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No materials last forever. The laws of thermodynamics dictate that once we put work into making something like a pipe, its highly ordered structure can only deteriorate. Whether from corrosion, wear, abrasion, fatigue, or thermal stress, pipes lose their integrity and eventually fail.

Pipe erosion occurs when pipe wall material thins out and weakens over time. Here are five factors that contribute to pipe erosion:

Heat or Cold

Most metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. Even when a temperature change is not severe enough to compromise the structural integrity of a pipe, a small temperature change, particularly when it is coupled with physical stresses like the pressure of the fluid flowing in the pipe, can create enormous stresses in the pipe walls. These stresses can cause a phenomenon known as creep. Creep is the slow and gradual deformation of a material as the result of thermal stresses combined with physical stresses.

Heat or cold, or a cycle of heating and cooling, can introduce thermal stresses into a pipe. These thermal stresses can cause deformation or even micro-cracks in the pipe walls, eventually leading to pipe failure.

Contact with Other Materials

Another common cause of eroding pipes is contact with other materials. For example, pipes often sit in pipe saddles which are intended to support the weight of the pipe and the fluid flowing through it. However, resting in the pipe saddle creates the conditions for wear and abrasion of the pipe. Wear and abrasion occur when materials rub against one another, causing a gradual removal of the material. The difference between wear and abrasion is that wear occurs at the interface of two materials (for example, a pipe and pipe saddle) while abrasion occurs when grit sits between two materials (for example, sand between a pipe and pipe saddle). The gradual removal of material due to wear or abrasion is a classic cause of pipe erosion.

Fortunately, pipe wear pads can reduce pipe erosion due to wear and abrasion. In the case of wear, the pipe pads wear preferentially over the pipe material, thereby saving the pipe from pipe erosion. The pipe pads also provide a cushion for the pipe thereby reducing abrasion.


Galvanic corrosion occurs when an anode and a cathode are separated by an electrolyte. Suffice it to say that a pipe and a pipe saddle separated by a few drops of water create exactly the conditions for galvanic corrosion.

Galvanic corrosion is the corrosion we are all familiar with. Any iron in the pipe material converts to iron oxide (or rust) and weakens substantially. This loss of strength can lead to pipe failure. In fact, it is estimated that the U.S. economy suffers more than $9 billion in losses due to pipeline corrosion every year.

Again, pipe pads were designed for exactly this form of pipe erosion in mind. Pipe pads do not conduct electricity, therefore they cannot form an electrode for purposes of galvanic corrosion. In other words, pipe pads reduce the risk of galvanic corrosion and, thus, pipe erosion due to corrosion.


Another form of corrosion arises from microbes. Microbes can corrode metal in two primary ways. First, microbes may attack the pipe material directly, eating away at the pipe material and causing pipe erosion. Second, microbes may secrete chemicals that eat away at the pipe material.

In either case, pipe pads may provide a substantial block against microbial corrosion. Pipe pads take up space between a pipe and pipe saddle, thereby creating an environment lacking the moisture needed for microbes to grow. If microbes lack the water needed to live and secrete waste products, the likelihood of microbial corrosion is substantially reduced.


Pipes and pipelines connected to pumps or other machinery will almost inevitably experience some vibration and other cyclical mechanical stresses. These vibrations can create micro-cracks in the pipe material that propagate into large cracks, eventually leading to pipe failure in a process called fatigue.

Fatigue can be reduced by the use of pipe pads, which can dampen vibrations by supporting the pipe in the pipe saddle. Less vibration means less mechanical stress and, consequently, less crack formation and propagation.

Pipe erosion’s causes, such as vibration, microbes, moisture, temperature changes, and contact with other materials, can be substantially reduced with pipe pads.

causes of pipe erosion

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Mechanical parts may suffer failure in many different modes. Mechanical, structural, and material engineers are familiar with failure modes like creep, fracture, corrosion, wear, fatigue, and thermal stress. But how are these terms applied in a practical setting? Here are three failure modes that pipes and pipelines may experience.


Everyone who has seen rust has seen corrosion. The conversion of iron into iron oxide, or rust, is an example of galvanic corrosion.

In galvanic corrosion, different metals connected through an electrolyte exchange electrons to convert to a more stable form. In the case of rusting, iron or steel acts as an electrode and water acts as an electrolyte. Specifically, iron loses electrons in the presence of oxygen and water. Through a series of chemical reactions, the ionized iron combines with oxygen ions to form iron oxide or rust.

Another form of corrosion is called microbial corrosion. Microbial corrosion occurs when a microbe-friendly environment, such as a damp, dark crevice, allows bacteria to grow. Bacteria produce a variety of byproducts through their digestion process, including acids, sulfides, and oxides. These chemicals react with metals to convert those metals into a different form, such as converting iron into iron oxide or rust.

While pipe saddles transfer loads to the tube wall and reduce heat transfer, the interface between pipes and pipe saddles create the perfect conditions for corrosion. External rust on pipes due to galvanic corrosion can be reduced by electrically insulating the pipe from other metals or by eliminating the water that acts as an electrolyte. External rust on pipes due to microbial corrosion can be reduced by eliminating the moisture layer necessary for bacterial growth. In either case, pipe pads can counter the causes of pipe erosion by preventing moisture penetration into the space between pipes and pipe supports.


Wear is a failure mode that occurs due to materials rubbing against each other. Again, this form of material failure is familiar to everyone once we recognize that it could happen to everything from door hinges to engine pistons if not for lubricants.

Failure by wear occurs due to the gradual removal and deformation of material surfaces. This process weakens the surfaces and can create pits and grooves that become the site of cracks or fractures. Abrasion is a separate, but related concept. Any grit, dirt, or wear particles between two surfaces can accelerate the removal of surface material.

For example, a pipe resting on a pipe support rubs against the support every time the pipe moves. Even minor movement caused by hydraulic shock or the shifting weight of the fluid when flow in the pipe starts or stops could, over time, cause wear on the exterior of a pipe. The causes of pipe erosion due to wear can be reduced or eliminated by inserting a pipe wear pad between the pipe and pipe support. Since pipe wear pads are softer than the metal of the pipe, the pipe pad wears rather than the pipe. In other words, the causes of pipe erosion due to wear are not eliminated by eliminating the relative movement of the pipe and its support. Rather, the causes of pipe erosion due to wear are eliminated by using a sacrificial pipe pad material to wear, thereby protecting the pipe material from wear.


Fatigue is a failure mode that is caused by cracks that develop due to repeated stresses. For example, the vibration of a pipe caused by a pump, impeller, or other machinery may cause cracks to develop and propagate, eventually causing the pipe to fail. This is a familiar failure mode for anyone who has ever bent a piece of metal or plastic, such as a plastic credit card, repeatedly until it was weak enough to break.

Some effects of fatigue can be reduced or eliminated by providing a wear pad between a pipe and pipe support. The wear pad acts as a shock absorber to reduce the vibration of the pipe. Less vibration means less crack formation and propagation.

In sum, the failure modes for pipes and pipelines include corrosion, wear, and fatigue. The causes of pipe erosion due to corrosion, wear, and fatigue may be reduced or eliminated through the use of pipe pads.

preventing moisture penetration in pipeline corrosion prevention

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If you think that the discovery of crude oil and all its by-products is the best thing that has ever happened to man, then you are right. Crude oil plays a significant role in your day to day life. Your transport and even some of the jobs we often do are all made possible by crude oil and its by-products.

Oil has created a multi-trillion dollar industry that sustains all other sectors of the economy. This has led the government and oil companies to invest heavily in the areas of its exploration, mining, transportation, and refining.

The most common method of transporting oil in its crude form or as a finished product is through pipelines. Research indicates that pipe corrosion leads to losses of up to $9 billion every year in the United States alone and an estimated loss of $2.2 trillion all over the world.

These numbers mean that oil pipeline corrosion is a costly affair. The effects of pipeline corrosion can occur inside or outside the pipes. Preventing moisture penetration on uninsulated pipes is one of the corrosion protection methods that are used to increase the lifespan of oil pipelines.

To settle on the best corrosion prevention methods; it is crucial to understand what causes corrosion. From a chemical perspective, the term corrosion means the conversion of a metal into a more chemically stable. This is realized by the metal forming an oxide upon reacting with elements such as oxygen.


How does corrosion in pipelines occur?

Where metal pipelines are used in transporting oil-based products, preventing moisture penetration is paramount—it will prevent possible accidents and huge losses due to spillage. When the pipe is uninsulated or exposed to friction with other metals due to linear expansion, the protection is lost, leaving the bare surface to react with the elements.

There are several methods of preventing moisture penetration, and one of the standard approaches is using a pipe wear pad. Compared to other corrosion prevention methods, the wear pad offers protection to the pipe where it is vulnerable the most.

Wear pads are non-metallic products that offer corrosion protection to uninsulated piping systems with the intention of extending their lifespan as well as preventing dangers such as leakages. They also create a barrier that stops metal to metal contact and isolates the piping system from pipe rack, which could at times carry electricity.

What are the key benefits of these pipe wear pads?


Relatively lower cost of installation

Installing these wear pads will not require expensive welding methods. The process does not require the hiring of highly trained personnel, which will otherwise turn out to be costly. Hot work permits are also not necessary.


Reduced maintenance cost

The durability of wear pads is an important aspect of preventing moisture penetration. Other ways that are designed to perform similar tasks are not cost-effective and will not guarantee safety from corrosion in the long run.

The wear pads are also tested and certified by all the relevant bodies, and this gives them a clean bill of health to be used in the oil industries.


What are the other corrosion prevention methods?


Preventing moisture penetration means ensuring that the moisture and other elements do not reach the surface of the metal. These methods are not so useful, especially where there are joints, contacts with other metals, or hard surfaces. They, however, play a crucial role in ensuring that the risks are eliminated where special attention is not required.

These methods include:

  • Painting
  • A thorough inspection of the pipelines
  • Use of chemical processes to prevent or reduce the effects of the corrosion problem

Corrosion prevention shouldn’t be a daunting task. Using wear pads alongside these other methods will go a long way in eliminating all the adverse effects that can be caused by the corrosion problem. You do not need to incur huge costs of repair and maintenance of your piping system when you can take simple preventative measures. They say prevention is better than cure. The potential disasters that can be caused by corrosion are far too expensive to solve and should be avoided at all costs.

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Eroding pipes can be a nightmare to deal with if you don’t catch them before they burst. Prevent pipe corrosion with pipe saddles, which are designed to insulate pipes and get rid of the risk of pipe corrosion. This is done by preventing moisture from soaking through, as well as preventing metal on metal contact. It’s also done without any chemical mixing, straps, or hot work. Keep reading for more information on the causes of pipe erosion and how you can prevent it.


The pH Of The Material Is Off-Balance


Even something as basic as pH can impact pipe erosion. For example, the pH of water is 6.5 to 8.5, with pure water being 7. If you have copper water pipes, anything below the lower end of this range could negatively impact the pipes by causing corrosion. Be sure you do some research and have proper testing equipment in place to prevent any pipe erosion before it becomes a bigger problem. Pipe corrosion prevention is key to maintaining solid structures.


Chemical Makeup Of Material


The chemical makeup of gas is different from that of oil, and they are both different from that of water. Each of these is going to have a different impact on pipelines. Pipeline corrosion prevention tips include sealing the interior of the pipes with something such as epoxy or using a lubricant to coat the inside of the pipes. Of course, this should be compatible with whatever flows through the pipes. Another tip is to insulate pipes with pipe pads, which prevent metal-on-metal contact. Exterior protection is as important as interior protection.


Temperature And Velocity Of Material


Believe it or not, the temperature and how fast the material is moving through a pipe impact how quickly pipes erode. The individual particles of that material, whether it’s oil or water, eat away at the surface of the pipes causing a decrease in the long-term pipeline integrity. The faster the material moves, the faster it eats away at the pipes. While that is not something that can necessarily be mitigated, at least not without a chemist, a pipe wear pad can protect the exterior of pipes, preventing moisture penetration. This will offer some protection when you cannot avoid other sources of erosion.


How To Prevent Pipeline Erosion


Pipeline erosion can be a serious issue, so use some of these corrosion protection methods:


  • Get top-notch testing equipment for whatever material the pipes are transporting
  • Structurally accommodate for high pressure points and weak spots
  • Insulate pipes with pipe wear pads to prevent metal on metal contact and moisture penetration


Pipeline erosion protection starts with pipe corrosion prevention. That includes structurally accommodating for weak points, insulating pipes with pipe wear pads, and having access to accurate testing equipment.


Find out how we can help you insulate pipes to prevent pipeline corrosion.

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In most piping systems, the pipes carry liquids that can wear on the pipes as time goes on. The surface of the pipes can start to deteriorate over time, which is called pipeline corrosion. It’s a common issue among metal pipes with metal corrosion costing the U.S. economy almost $300 billion each year. However, there are steps that can be taken to help prevent it or at the very least slow down the process. The longer it takes for the metal to corrode, the less often repairs and replacements are needed.

What Happens if Pipes Corrode?

Deteriorating pipes can lead to a number of issues, but the most common of problems is breaks and leaks in the piping system. Not only can this lead to water damage or dangerous chemical leaks, but it can also slow the down the function of your system. In cases where oil is being transported, it can cost a company a great deal of money in lost oil if it’s not handled. Pipe corrosion prevention measures should be put in place as soon as the new system is set up in order to avoid these issues from the beginning.

How Are Some Corrosion Protection Methods?

Pipeline corrosion protection systems can be put in place to keep your pipes in good condition. The first system that should always be used is simply having them cleaned regularly and keeping the areas around them cleared out. A lack of cleanliness and regular maintenance is one of the easiest ways to get corrosion.

It’s also possible to utilize corrosion inhibitors. These are chemicals that you can add to the liquids traveling through your pipes that will help decrease the corrosion rate of your pipes. There are multiple kinds available depending on what kind of fluids you are working with and they are all a good preventative measure to take.

Another option to prevent pipe corrosion is to use coatings. These coatings create a protective layer on your pipes to keep liquids from breaking them down. This process involves applying and curing the coating before you run liquids through the pipes in order for it to be effective.

Pipe corrosion prevention can also take place from the outside with the help of wear pads. They help keep out moisture and avoid metal on metal contact. They are easy to apply and a good measure to take for added protection.

pipe wear

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Corrosion and pipe wear have been studied for more than 150 years in the science real. It occurs when a material (mostly metal) or its properties deteriorate when they react with the environment. Pipe corrosion costs the US economy over nine billion dollars a year. Around the globe, the world Corrosion Organization estimates that 3% of the world’s GDP is spent on corrosion. This is a huge problem, especially for industries and oil companies who must use a lot of pipes in their daily operation.

Currently, there are over two million miles of oil and gas pipelines in the United States alone. These pipelines are crucial because US citizens rely on them to get their daily supply of energy and power, a vital tool for a healthy economy. These energy lifelines sustain the economy, but they have been made terribly vulnerable by corrosion problem.


Causes of Pipeline Corrosion

Pipeline bursts and spills are a significant cause of the negative perspective the industry has gained. Besides unavoidable natural disasters, one of the major reasons of pipe failure is corrosion. Another major problem is that most pipelines are old having being installed before 1960. Because of lack of awareness during that time, the long-term issues affecting piping were not factored in which left many pipes without protection from the environment.

Innovation has come with solutions to this pipe wear, such as installing a pipe wear pad. The water chemical makeup is also a contributing factor to eroding pipes since oxygen naturally degrades metals which gradually convert into rust. The hotter the water in your pipes is, the higher the corrosion rate. The pH of the water, especially in copper piping systems, is likely to cause pipe erosion by harming the protective barrier of the pipe. Sudden changes in water velocity can also lead to corrosion because of the turbulence caused during the shift.


How to Improve Piping Regulations

Pipeline regulations have been increased and so have advancements in pipeline manufacture and protection, which is a significant step towards reducing pope wear and the spills they cause. Technology has been instrumental in manufacturing of pipes with the reduced aging process. As time goes, older pipes are either being replaced with the newer, more reliable ones or being improved with high-tech wear pads. Although newer pipes are less likely to cause spills, it does not mean that they are not susceptible, which means you will need to install wear pads to strengthen them as well.


Inspection Companies

There are many inspection companies you can contact to inspect your pipes. The demand for pipe inspection is high, but there are not enough companies to do the inspection. This is probably because the younger generation has low interest in the industry.


Effects of Corrosion

The cost of corrosion is expensive. It directly impacts the health of employees and those who frequent your commercial building. For example, people are likely to consume water in high levels of toxic metal such as lead and copper, which can lead to acute health issues. Corrode water also hurts the efficiency of your water heater and is a known cause of premature failure. It also causes premature failure in plumbing systems and fixtures which will need repair from time to time. In severe cases, it causes odor and stains fixtures.


How to Prevent Corrosion

You can prevent corrosion by selecting the right metal type, using protective coating, taking care of environmental measures, using corrosion inhibitors, design modification, and sacrificial coatings.

Pipe wear is a problem whose solution has not been found, at least not yet, but you can take measures to reduce the effects and prevent corrosion.

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Thankfully, we don’t hear news like this very often, but these instances highlight the importance of consistent pipeline corrosion protection. Metal corrosion costs the United States around $300 billion every year, but most people rarely hear about these costs unless they manifest themselves in a disaster.

In March, a corrosion problem on a natural gas pipeline in Nothern Mexico caused a rupture and massive explosion. The causes of pipe erosion are numerous, but regardless of cause, the results can be disastrous.

The carbon-steel pipeline was 30 inches in diameter and tested to withstand minimum pressures of 60,000 pounds per square inch. Per the report filed by Energy Transfer Partners along with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Satefy Administration, the pipeline was being operated within its safety limits and there was no evidence of foul play, human error, or technical issues.

Pipe corrosion prevention efforts leading up to the incident didn’t ring any alarm bells, but perhaps the lengths between them did. The most recent test of pipeline integrity was an internal inspection done in 2015. Another test was done prior in 2008. Alarmingly, though, the pipeline hadn’t been hydro-tested since 1962.

Fortunately, nobody was injured by the explosion. It did wreak serious havoc on its surroundings. They reported the widest part of the rupture to be 94 inches, while the full circumference of the rupture measured 864 inches. Buried five feet underground, the explosion was powerful enough to roast a nearby highway and a house under construction. Officials estimated the explosion’s 621-foot blast radius caused about $1.4 million in damages.

All technical systems were in order. Four employees working during the incident were tested for drugs and alcohol and these tests came back negative.

In the world of pipelines, sometimes no real error is the cause of a disaster. Hence, pipe corrosion prevention efforts have to be diligently and regularly practiced. Pipelines cannot be treated as out of sight, out of mind or we end up with dangerous incidents like this. Luckily, this event — though disastrous — didn’t harm any human beings. Yet it remains a reminder that pipe corrosion prevention is of utmost importance.

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Over time, it’s only natural for your pipes to wear down and corrode under the pressure of external factors. But this doesn’t mean pipe corrosion is welcome; in fact, pipeline corrosion costs the U.S. more than $9 billion each year on average. Without the proper corrosion protection system in place, you may find your pipes corrode faster than you think.

But what causes this corrosion in the first place? Here, we’ll talk about what factors in your soil can influence the health of your metal pipes and how pipe corrosion prevention can help.


There is always some level of water present in your soil. Try as they might, no plumber is able to craft metal pipes that are resistant to the slow corrosion performed by water.

The primary reason water will corrode the outside of your pipes is due to its oxygen content. This causes a reaction with the metal, promoting oxygenation and later rusting of these sensitive metals. But there are many causes of pipe erosion because of water. Fast-moving water or water that changes direction quickly can wear down your pipes at a faster rate than slow-moving water. If this water is particularly hot, the corrosion happens even quicker.

You should take water pH into account as well. While we’re used to drinking neutral water, particularly acidic or basic minerals derived from the soil are common. These very high levels or very low levels can strip a pipe of its protective coating over a shorter period of time than pipes laid in more basic soils.

Soil composition

Soil is composed of a number of organic and inorganic components. While soils with a high organic content can be great for the appearance of your lawn, they might not be so good for your pipes. Healthy soils promote more plant growth and these roots can eventually make their way into the weak spots of your pipes. On the other end of the spectrum, very dry soils with little to no organic matter are actually more sensitive to sudden environmental changes. If the soil shifts suddenly, it can upset the integrity of your pipes.

Of course, the pH of the soil can also affect the life of your pipes. Talk to your plumber about the many causes of long-term pipeline integrity today for more information.

Are you trying to improve the longevity of your pipes? Don’t let environmental factors harm your household. Invest in pipe corrosion prevention products, like pipe wear pads today. These insulating products will help stop harmful materials and water from impacting the integrity of your pipes. Contact Dynagard for more information about pipe corrosion prevention today.

pipeline corrosion prevention

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In 1990, pipeline corrosion was found to be the number one factor in pipeline failure within the Gulf of Mexico. Over ten years later, studies found that corrosion was the largest culprit in pipeline failures involving hazardous liquids and natural gas.

Pipeline failure is something no business owner wants to experience. The damage can be catastrophic and incredibly expensive. As a business owner, you want to be sure you are protected.

Keep reading to learn why corrosion is the most common cause of pipeline failure and all about pipeline corrosion prevention.

Pipelines 101

Pipelines are defined as structures transporting liquid or gas, including the pipes, valves, and all accessories (pump stations, regulator stations, compressors, etc.) attached to these components. 

Pipelines are used in many industries, including the transport of

  • oil and gas
  • fertilizer
  • compressed air
  • water
  • waste

Causes of Pipeline Failure and Corrosion

There are several factors that influence pipeline failure. These include things like poorly-executed excavation projects, natural forces, machine failure, and failure occurring in the materials and welding.

However, these causes are not the number one cause of pipeline failure, because they’re rare. What does cause pipeline failure is the everyday wear and tear on pipelines. This is most evident in pipeline corrosion, as impurities and other factors chip away at the protective coating on pipes.

As this coating wears away, it leaves the pipe open to corrosion and eventual failure. 

There are many causes of pipeline corrosion, some of which are specific to the material being transported. In the case of water pipes, here are some potential causes of external corrosion:

  • Water pH: acidic water or low pH levels harm pipeline coating and cause corrosion.
  • Chemicals and impurities: certain minerals and impurities can promote corrosion.
  • Poor installation: pipelines that were installed improperly will be more exposed to dirt, debris, and other factors that can cause corrosion.

Pipeline Corrosion Prevention

Externally, corroded pipelines may look like clusters of mineral deposits, especially around connection points on the pipeline. These deposits are thick, uneven, and bulky, and the first sign that you have a corrosion problem.

This first stage of corrosion may turn rust-colored as the problem progresses.

As with many projects and investments, prevention is key when it comes to properly maintaining pipes. Here are some ways to minimize external pipeline corrosion. 

  • Adding a layer of external protection to the pipes, such as using corrosion inhibitor solutions
  • Investing in pipe wear pads, which do not interfere with cathodic corrosion protection and help prevent pipeline failures due to friction, expansion, or contraction
  • Investing in coated pipes and connectors for future projects and repairs

Protect Your Business

As a business owner, it’s incredibly important to know the location of your pipelines and to have a plan should a failure occur.

Thankfully, pipeline corrosion and eventual pipeline failure are preventable, and there are several ways to implement pipeline corrosion prevention in your business model. For more resources on protecting your pipes, visit our blog today.

pipe wear pad

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In 2018, the plumbing industry accounted for $107 billion in revenue. With money like that on the line, there’s no excuse for cutting corners on your industrial piping system’s maintenance and upkeep.

One essential that you should never skimp on is a pipe wear pad.

Not sure what a pipe wear pad is or how it can save you money? Read on for the quick-and-dirty of pipe pads.

The Battle Against Corrosion

There is a constant battle against corrosion as a plant owner or operator. From the time you install an industrial piping system to the day the building falls down, preventing corrosion on the pipes will be an uphill battle.

Causes of Corrosion

The most common cause of corrosion to your pipes is friction. Friction, caused by unavoidable movement of the pipes against their support structures, can scratch the protective coating off your pipes. This leaves an area of exposed metal on each pipe.

The exposed metal typically occurs at support points, where the pipes are being held up, held down, or otherwise secured. It’s the most common place on a pipe to see two metal pieces rubbing together.

Condensation collects at this area where the metal pieces rub together and corrodes the pipes. This corrosion rapidly wears down your pipes and costs you money in repairs.

Cures for Corrosion

There is no cure for corrosion, but there are steps that can be taken to reduce friction, protect the coating on your pipes, and prevent pipe wear.

Support Upgrades

One option to help to would be to change out the type of support structure you have on all of your pipes. A different support could reduce the amount of metal that comes in contact with the pipes, and ultimately reduce corrosion.

Changing out a full-saddle for a half-saddle would reduce the amount of metal from the support that is touching the pipe by almost half.

Is changing out every support structure in your building feasible? Not always. You have to consider the building design, pipe size, cost of replacement, etc.

A cheaper and easier way to tackle the problem of corrosion is to install pipe wear pads.

Pipe Wear Pads

Pipe wear pads are sometimes called wear pads, pipe pad or fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) pads.

They are a form of pipe liner that is installed onto the outer diameter of the pipe.

This liner is fitted onto the pipe at points where vibrations from the pipes would cause them to rub against the support structure. This liner acts as a cushion.

It is installed in between the pipe and the support structure to isolate the pipe from the support. This reduces friction on the pipe, and saves the protective coating from getting worn off.

Installing pip wear pads is cheaper and easier than renovating the building.

Need Help Winning the Battle?

Corrosion of metals costs the United State’s economy almost $300 billion per year.

You need all the help you can get to tackle to problem of corrosion in your industrial piping system. Changing out your support system is not a reasonable answer to corrosion.

However, investing in pipe wear pads can extend the life of your system, reduce maintenance and repair costs, and save you the energy of redoing the entire pipe system.

Shop our pipe wear pads to find the right ones for your building.

prevent pipe corrosion

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Pipe corrosion is a common problem for oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. If companies ignore the risk of internal pipe corrosion, it may become a serious problem. Corroded pipelines lead to oil spills, shutdowns, and environmental concerns.

Inspection of pipe exteriors is easier. A visual inspection reveals potential problems. New pipeline corrosion protection systems cut exterior corrosion risks.

How can companies reduce leaks caused by internal corrosion? Keep reading. This guide explains how to prevent pipe corrosion.

What Causes Internal Pipe Corrosion?

Internal corrosion happens when metal deteriorates. An electrochemical reaction makes the steel rust.

Left unresolved, the corroded areas lose strength. The pipe can’t continue to hold the fluid at operating pressure.

Most corrosion results from contaminants in the product flowing through the pipeline. It may be a chemical like hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide. Even water causes corrosion.

Cost of Pipeline Corrosion

The estimated cost of pipe corrosion in oil and gas production industries is $1.372 billion a year. Industry officials understand preventing corrosion is the best solution.

Proactive measures reduce leaks and maintenance costs. This keeps the supply flowing while meeting safety, health and environmental policies.

Internal corrosion caused 12% of incidents on hazardous liquids and gas pipelines from 2013 to 2017. That’s about 60% of all pipeline incidents due to corrosion.

Types of Internal Corrosion

Internal corrosion causes a metal loss in two common ways. General corrosion refers to an even level of corrosion over a large area of the interior surface. Localized corrosion, also known as pitting, describes isolated spots.

If not repaired, corrosion leads to pinhole leaks, a crack in the pipe, or a rupture. If the section of pipe isn’t fixed or replaced, it reduces the flow pressure in the pipeline.

Corrosion weakens the pipe. It puts the pipeline at risk for failure. A weak pipeline is susceptible to external stresses. It could break. The result is an environmental hazard and an expensive product spill.

How To Prevent Pipe Corrosion

Pipelines operate for long periods of time for critical operations. That makes corrosion prevention a priority. Here are some methods that prevent corrosion:

  • Regular Maintenance
  • Cut Contaminants
  • Internal Pipeline Coatings
  • Corrosion Inhibitors
  • Mechanical and Chemical Cleaning

These methods extend the life and safety of a pipeline. Let’s take a closer look at regular maintenance done inside the pipe.

Pipeline Cleaning Pigs

Pipeline pigging is a mechanical device. It’s used to clean the pipe without stopping the flow of product. The pigs clean the pipe while it’s active. They’re also used to inspect pipelines.

The pig tool moves through the pipeline with the flow of the product. A foam pig uses low-density foam shaped like a bullet. It moves through the pipeline to remove small debris and impurities.

Cleaning pigs come in various sizes and densities. Some have abrasive wire mesh to remove rust and scale deposits from inside the pipe. Some cleaning methods involve pigging plus chemicals.

A regular cleaning schedule prevents corrosion and buildup from reoccurring.

Follow Government Safety Regulations

Industry pipeline operators should follow state and federal regulations. Adhere to guidelines and standards so pipes remain strong and secure. Check all potential threats to the pipeline’s integrity.

Federal and state safety regulators inspect management programs. They identify any threats, including internal corrosion. Use all the tools and follow the rules to prevent pipe corrosion.

Don’t hesitate to contact the pros at DynaGard. We can answer questions. We’re happy to provide samples of DynaGard Pipe Protection products.

pipe pads

Posted by & filed under Pipe Corrosion.

You spend a lot of time and money installing, upgrading, and maintaining the industrial piping system in your building. 

It’s not an easy job, but someone has to do it. 

What if it could be a little easier? What if you could save time, money and energy with one simple trick?

Keep reading to learn the easy way to maintain your pipes with the use of pipe pads. 

What Are Pipe Pads?

Anyone who maintains industrial or commercial piping systems knows that the battle against corrosion is constant. 

Friction from vibration, found typically at the point of support, can scratch the protective coating off your pipes. This leaves an area of exposed metal-on-metal. 

When condensation collects at this metal-on-metal interface, corrosion quickly causes pipe wear. This leads to high repair and replacement costs. 

Pipe pads are your cure for the friction that wears away your protective coating.  

Pipe pads also called wear pads or fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) pads, are essentially a filament-wound, fiber-reinforced liner. This liner is fitted onto the pipe. This liner acts as a cushion to isolate the pipe from the support and eliminate friction on the pipe. 

The Alternative to Using a Pipe Pad

The alternative to using a pipe wear pad would be to change out the type of support structure you are using. A different support structure may offer better corrosion and vibration control. 

For example, using a half-saddle can reduce the amount of metal at the support site by almost half. This would reduce the area where corrosion could occur.  

But changing out every support structure in your building is an expensive hassle. And it doesn’t guarantee total friction reduction. 

It also may not be viable, given your building design, pipe size, etc. Adding wear pads for piping to your existing pipe supports allows for greater control of corrosion and vibration for a fraction of the cost, time and energy.

Installation of Wear Pads for Piping

The installation of wear pads can be time-consuming and difficult if you have to weld or epoxy the pipe pad onto the pipe. 

Unlike other FRP pipe fittings, DynaGard is easy to install.

DynaGard has a unique peel and stick feature, which cuts down on installation time. These pipe pads don’t need any specialized tools or training. 

Reasons to Choose DynaGard

What sets DynaGard apart from other pipe pads starts with the adhesive. It’s a high bond adhesive that keeps the pad firmly in place even when the pipe moves due to vibration or expansion. 

DynaGard sticks not only to pipes but also to all coatings and wraps. Because of this strong adhesive, DynaGard has to be replaced less frequently than other wear pads. 

Other unique features that set DynaGard apart from the competition include: 

  • Resistance to condensation;
  • Resistance to most chemicals and acids;
  • Resistance to degradation by ultraviolet light;
  • No interference with the CP system’s protection against corrosion; and 
  • Cathodic disbondment will not occur on the pipe pad.

These are serious advantages. 

Easy Choice to Reduce Corrosion

Corrosion prevention doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. You can maintain your industrial system more easily with the introduction of pipe pads. 

DynaGard reduces costs and energy. It’s an easy choice.

Shop our products to find the pipe pads that are right for your industrial piping system. 

pipeline corrosion protection

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Metal on metal corrosion on your pipe saddles proves to be a serious issue with many industrial pipes.

This issue is commonly found in offshore oil and gas facilities in areas like the Gulf of Mexico. Corrosion begins when the metal is exposed to the elements, like oxygen and water, and breaks down the metal.

Pipe saddles and pads are considered to be hot spots for corrosion due to the friction caused by metal on metal rubbing against each other.

Not to worry! Here are some tips on pipeline corrosion protection due to metal on metal friction in the winter years.

Ensure Your Metal is Properly Coated

Coating your pipes in the areas around the saddles and pads with a sealant will help mitigate corrosion for a period of time.

You can use pipe coatings, such as paint on the topside of piping to protect the metal against corrosion, specifically atmospheric corrosion that you may find in mater based industrial stations.

Be aware, however, that you must perform regular maintenance on your pipes, specifically near the saddle clamps area. 

Use Sealants

To help mitigate the amount of metal on metal pipeline corrosion occurring, you may want to take advantage of using a sealant.

Sealants help prevent moisture ingress in the crevices of the saddles and pads. These sealants include silicone, epoxy and caulks. Explore this option with caution.

The sealant and steel surface may make a corrosion problem worse and form additional crevice in the bonding process.

Reevaluate the Support Being Used

There are loads of options for pipe support that may prove to be a better option than what you are currently using.

Taking advantage of an alternate solution, such as a half-saddle and cradle, can help mitigate the issue of corrosion. You can maintain the pipe more easily as well as half the amount of metal rubbing against each other.

You may also want to consider using a wear pad that reduces the metal on metal friction that causes corrosion. These pads are easy to install, and helps isolate the pipe from its support.

Some require additional welding or gluing, however, DynaGuard sells and manufactures pipe wear pads that are easy to install and offer protection to your pipes against metal on metal corrosion.

Next Steps: Which Pipeline Corrosion Protection Works Best for You?

While more pipes and their paired saddles and pads are made in stock, every corrosion problem is different.

This depends on your industry and the environment the pipes are being used in. Explore the types of pipe you have and possible roadblocks to using a specific metal on metal pipeline corrosion protection.

For more information on pipe corrosion and how to mitigate metal on metal friction that causes the corrosion, visit DynaGuard.

We sell and manufacture pipe wear pads that are easy to install and help avoid pipe metal on metal corrosion to extend the life and quality of your pipe. To get started increasing the life of your pipes, contact us today.

pipe corrosion prevention

Posted by & filed under Pipe Corrosion.

Pipelines run everywhere at your business-through the walls, floors, and even underground. If a pipe corrodes or bursts, that could cause major problems and you may even need to close shop while everything gets fixed.

You do not want that to happen!

There are many kinds of pipes, and many of the best options have a chance of corroding. Corrosion can be caused by many things. If you want to prevent the problem, you’ll have to plan accordingly.

In this article, we’ll discuss pipe corrosion prevention so you never have to worry about more major problems.

1. Use the Right Materials

By using the right materials on your pipes, you can drastically reduce the chances of pipeline corrosion. Steel, concrete, and copper are commonly used substances but are a bit more likely to corrode than stainless steel, plastic, or composite materials that are made to last.

Of course, the material you use depends on the application. Sometimes you will need to use a specific material, but if there are multiple options for a pipe, it may be wise to use something that is less likely to corrode.

2. Protect with Proper Linings

One of the best ways to protect from corrosion is to have a protective layer on the outside. This is actually a simple process that is done before installing pipes.

Typically it comes in the form of a peel and stick pad. You just peel off the backing and apply a pad to the surface of the pipelines.

The point of this is to reduce metal on metal, which can lead to corrosion. However, it has other protective benefits as well. These pads are UV resistant, meaning they will help the pipes last longer and they resist moisture, which can also prolong the life of the pipes.

3. Hide Your Seams

It is vital that you weld, solder, or seal all the pipe’s seams in some way.

You need to make sure everything is smooth so no shards of pipe can become a breeding ground for corrosion. Hiding the seams properly also ensures that nothing can get in that could cause potential problems.

4. Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection, or CP for short, is a process that uses electricity to control the corrosion of pipeline materials.

In simple terms, you use a direct electrical current that is attached to your metal piping but uses a sacrificial material that will corrode instead. It sounds complicated but is actually a simple process that is used all around the world to protect pipelines.

What if Pipe Corrosion Prevention Doesn’t Help?

By taking the proper steps, you can prevent a lot of problems. Unfortunately, if you are using steel or copper piping, then eventually there will be some corrosion. At this point, the pipes will need to be fixed or replaced.

If your pipes are past the point of preventing problems, then don’t waste time trying to fix them yourself and potentially make it worse.

Hire someone who knows what they are doing and can help right away. Just contact us if you want more information on pipe corrosion prevention.

prevent pipeline corrosion

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Corrosion occurs naturally when metal is exposed to air and the environment it’s in. And it happens over time, so you may not always notice when it’s happening. But left untreated, corrosion will impact the strength and aesthetic appeal of your metal.

So what are the easiest and most effective ways to prevent pipeline corrosion? How do you protect your investment?

It may be easier than you think. There are a few simple ideas that will ensure you can work smarter, not harder, both now and in the future. Let’s look at 3 tips!

1. Advanced Cleaning

When was the last time you cleaned the inner portions of the pipe? If you’re looking for tips on how to prevent corrosion, this is probably the first place you should look.

An advanced cleaning program means you turn to the inside of the pipe, using very non-aggressive pipeline pigs that give out low-density foam. This will help to remove contaminants and other build-up that can decrease pipeline corrosion.

If you get “under the hood” and realize there are very thick deposits of buildup, you will need a smaller pig for the job. The key is to maintain your pipes by doing this every so often, so that corrosion on the inside doesn’t have a chance to ruin your investment.

2. Best Practices

There are plenty of good reasons to fight pipeline corrosion. How else can corrosion be prevented? One other way is to look at how you’re installing the pipes to begin with. For example:

Keeping the area around the metal dry, and using drying agents to protect your pipes from water.

Making sure the piping has a layer of backfill (limestone is a good material) if it’s underground.

And finally, making sure any electrical components are cleaned regularly. This “checklist” of sorts will ensure that you have to do less maintenance cleaning on your pipes and that they still stay free of corrosion.

3. What’s On The Surface?

Corrosion is more likely to happen on the outside of the pipe than on the inside. While the most common type of coating is an epoxy coating, ask yourself what type of pipes you’re using to begin with.

Are you picking composite-based, corrosion controlled products? Doing the research before you purchase can help you find a cost-effective piping solution that will still hold up and prove worth the investment. When it comes to ways to prevent corrosion, start with the raw materials.

Prevent Pipeline Corrosion- Wrap-Up

While corrosion is a natural process, the ways to prevent pipeline corrosion are well known and pretty simple. Make sure to clean the inside and outside of your pipes, and maintain a checklist of “best practices” that make maintenance easy when the time comes.

Contact us with any questions or to discuss your piping needs.


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Are you a plant owner or operator concerned about metal on metal corrosion?

According to the American Galvanizer’s Association, the estimated cost of corrosion is 3% of the United States annual GDP. In 2016, the U.S. GDP was approximately $18.57 trillion!

This surprising statistic reflects the potentially expensive costs that plant owners and other employees face each year. Chemicals are only one cause of corroded metal. Metal on metal corrosion can also cause significant issues for your plant. These can include unwanted downtime and replacement costs.

Read on to learn more about how to protect your pipes from metal on metal corrosion!

The Dangers of Friction

Friction can be the worst enemy for your pipes. That is because friction causes metal corrosion as your pipes rub together.

This can become more of a danger for your pipes as they expand and/or contract. The narrowing and enlarging can cause your pipes to push against each other.

Besides causing corrosion, metal on metal contact creates tension on your pipes that weakens them too. Over time, it can cause your pipes to corrode or break. That is because the pipes are being strained for an extended period of time.

This can result in extended downtime at your plant and may bring operations to a sand still until the damaged pipes are replaced.

These damaged pipes can also become a safety risk for your employees because of the risk of leaking over long periods of time.

You need your system to be reliable and operating efficiently so that your plant runs smoothly.

Protection From Corrosion

One of the ways to protect your plant from corroded metal is to plan ahead.

This means you should consider how your pipes will expand and contract long before they are put together. By recognizing these potential problem areas, you can prepare your pipes to avoid issues later.

But how can you protect the pipes at your plant?

DynaGard is a protective pad applied to a pipe to protect it and prevent corrosion caused by metal to metal contact. These covers have a “peel and stick” feature which make them easy to install.

They are also UV resistant which helps them to last longer even in harsh weather conditions. Besides cutting down on contact, these wear pads resist condensation, moisture, and water.

These features make DynaGard a key component in defending against unwanted corrosion at your plant!

Wrapping Up: Preventing Corrosion Caused By Metal

Metal on metal corrosion can cost your company a lot of time and money.

For example, corroded pipes may cause unwanted downtime for your plant. This can put your operations on hold until they are replaced. It can also create additional costs while you replace other pipes before they become corroded.

DynaGard has more than 15 years of experience helping to protect plant owners from corrosion caused by metal to metal contact. We work together with you to identify your needs and help you decide the pads you need to protect your business.

Contact us today to learn more about our product and how we can keep your plant up and running!

pipe corrosion

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Are you concerned about the corrosion of pipes at your business?

According to the American Galvanizer’s Association, the cost of pipeline corrosion in the United States is approximately $9 billion annually.

These costs can have a significant impact on your company’s bottom line. But the good news is that you can be in better control of the corrosion of your pipes by being proactive.

It also helps to understand why corrosion takes place and what you can do to stop it.

Read on to learn the main causes of pipe corrosion!

Abnormal pH Levels

The pH level of the liquid flowing through your pipes can have a major impact on its lifespan.

The pH of water, for example, is a measurement of the acidity of that liquid and ranges from 0 to 14. It’s important that the pH level of the liquids flowing through your pipes is monitored by your employees.

It’s best that the pH range falls between 7.0 and 8.4. Any level lower than 7.0 or higher than 8.4 can cause corrosion to your pipes over time.

Poor Soldering of Pipes

Preventing steel pipe corrosion begins from the time those pipes are installed on your system.

You should ensure your company is using someone that is highly trained to solder pipes correctly. When someone solders two pipes together, they are using fire to melt connect two separate pieces and make them one.

While this may sound like an easy process, it’s crucial that pipes are soldered together properly. Otherwise, your business runs the risk that a pipe will have higher amounts of acid in them.

This will make your pipes more susceptible to corrosion and can create problems with flow.

High Flow Rate

Piping corrosion can also be caused by prolonged exposure to the velocity of flowing water that is too high.

Your employees must be careful not to send water shooting through pipes at a high flow rate. That’s because it can cause the pipes to wear down and become more susceptible to corrosion.

By being sure water flows into a pipe at a safe speed, your business is helping to guard against a corroded pipe.

Using Too Much Chlorine

Your business should pay attention to the amount of chlorine or other disinfectants that you are adding to liquids that go through the pipes.

Chlorine is often used by cities and private businesses to help clean up the water supply. Although chlorine can be helpful when used this way, high quantities of it can create issues for your pipes.

This is because chlorine compromises the structure of the metallic materials in your pipes. When these components are weakened, it makes them more prone to starting to corrode prematurely.

Wrapping Up: Prevent Pipe Corrosion

Preventing pipe corrosion can help save your business time and money in the long run.

You can do this by taking an active role in monitoring your pipes or installing a system to protect them. It can also help to be careful to avoid participating in activities that can make your pipes begin to corrode.

Dynagard is a pipeline corrosion protection system built to resist corrosion through its unique adhesive design. Contact us today to learn more about how our system can help protect your pipes!


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Pipelines are still the safest and most effective way to carry resources such as gas and oil, among others.

While this is the case, that doesn’t mean that they don’t fall victim to ruptures and failures at times.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a minor problem when it comes to pipelines. In fact, these problems cost the United States millions of dollars each year.

But, one of the biggest problems they face over time is corrosion.

Read this article to find out what happens to pipelines when they corrode.

Damage to the Interior of the Pipeline

When it comes to pipeline corrosion, the contents they carry isn’t the real problem. These pipelines can carry a variety of materials and substances without corroding. Some of these include:

  • Crude oil
  • Gas
  • Biofuels

The main issue is the trace amounts of sediment and water within the materials that these pipelines are carrying.

Because the density of these substances is different, they separate. Over time, the moisture can start corroding the steel interior of the pipeline. This causes ruptures and pipeline failures.

Warmth Can thin the Interior Walls

It’s not only liquids that can cause wear and tear to the interior of a pipeline. Warmth also plays an important role.

The oil in pipelines flows better if hot. This means that these pipelines come with insulation to keep oil and other contents at a high temperature.

While the warmth is great for the oil, it thins the lining of the walls over the years. This thinning makes the steel more likely to corrode.

The Exterior Is as Important as the Interior

When it comes to pipeline corrosion, you also have to think about the exterior. The outside of a pipeline has to face rain, snow, heat, and all other extreme weather conditions mother nature throws at it.

Pipelines have protective coatings. But, some of these systems are decades old. And, keeping track and maintaining all of them requires manpower and a high level of expertise.

When Pipelines Corrode, Ruptures and Breakages Occur

Unfortunately, when it comes to pipelines, it’s not a matter of “will it happen”. It’s a matter of “when will it happen”.

No matter how well you look after your pipelines, they will fall victim to corrosion at some point in time.

When they do, they will rupture, break, and fail to do the job you intend them to. And, at over 6.3% GDP, corrosion is one of the largest expenses in the US.

But, there are ways you can make your pipelines last longer…

Preventative Measures From DynaGard

If you want to protect your pipelines from corrosion for as long as possible, you need to take the right preventative measures.

Pipelines corrode when they don’t have the right protection and maintenance. With this in mind, check out our products today.

At Dynagard, we have products for pipelines of all sizes. We sell guards as well as padding that you can peel off and apply to your pipelines to protect them from corrosion.

pipeline corrosion protection

Posted by & filed under Pipe Corrosion.

Corrosion is the deterioration of metals and other materials through chemical interactions with its surrounding environment. If you own a factory or any other place of business with large amounts of pipelines or other metalworks, corrosion is enemy #1. Corrosion is a terribly annoying byproduct of metal pipelines. A recent study found that the global cost of corrosion to float somewhere around $2.5 trillion, which makes pipeline corrosion protection methods critical. 

That’s nearly 3.4% of our planet’s global GDPIf you own a factory or plant that houses pipelines and other metalworks, you probably already know what a cursed affliction corrosion can be. But if you’re trying to make your profit margins as wide as possible, you need to try your best to win in this battle against mother nature.

In this brief guide, we’ll discuss pipeline corrosion protection and why it’s important.

What Is Pipeline Corrosion?

Pipeline corrosion functions like any other form of corrosion. But pipes are often exposed to open air or buried underground. In these outdoor environments, they are especially susceptible to corrosion.

There are several different kinds of corrosion. And they each need to be dealt with in potentially different ways.

General Corrosion

This type of corrosion occurs due to simple exposure to the elements like wind, rain, condensation, or dust. Most commonly, this sort of corrosion comes in the form of rust and affects the entire structure, or segment, of a pipeline.

The good news is that this form of corrosion happens slowly and can be easily spotted and prevented.

Localized Corrosion

As the name suggests, this form of corrosion happens on a smaller scale but can be more disastrous as it’s tougher to spot. Localized corrosion occurs in three forms: pitting, crevice corrosion, and filiform corrosion.

Galvanic Corrosion

This type of corrosion occurs when two different metals are placed next together in certain underwater environments like saltwater. In this electrolyte-filled environment, one metal’s molecules are attracted to the other. As a result, one of the two metals corrodes at an accelerated rate.

Cathodic Corrosion

Cathodic methods of corrosion protection are by far the most complicated, but it’s very effective. Cathodic protection works by creating an electrical current around the pipe using anodes and cathodes. Simply put, this system repels corrosive molecules away from the pipe.

In a sacrificial cathodic protection system, the cathodes begin to corrode instead of the more important metal pipes.

This method protects against galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion happens when two metals are placed closely together in a corrosive environment – i.e. salty seawater or wet soil.

Why It’s Important to Protect Your Pipelines

Corrosion, if not dealt with, can absolutely destroy the infrastructure of a factory or any other business. It can cause bridges to collapse, oil pipelines to bust open, or bathroom plumbing to leak. It’s estimated that corrosion costs businesses 2.5 trillion dollars globally. Corrosion is no joke, and if you want to run your business effectively, you need to know how to guard against it.

There are a few different ways to protect against corrosion. The two most popular are cathodic protection, and selecting corrosion-resistant materials to protect your pipelines. Cathode protection involves placing cathodes along your pipelines that repel harmful molecules and ions from your pipes. The alternative method of corrosion protection involves simply placing corrosion-resistant materials – like rubber – over your pipelines.

This physical guard will protect your precious metalworks from environmental forces. These forces, like rain, condensation, and debris that can damage the integrity of your pipes over time. If you’d like to learn more about how to prevent pipeline corrosion, click here.

You can also select metals and other materials that are less susceptible to corrosion when creating your pipelines. No metal is truly immune to corrosion. What once came from the ground will have to return in death, but some are better than others. Materials such as stainless steels, plastics, and special alloys can greatly extend the life cycle of a pipeline. Nickel, steel, or titanium alloys are particularly good at preventing corrosion. This is especially true when coupled with a different protection method like pipe saddles.

It’s also important to monitor the surface of the materials once you’ve put them to use. Cracks, chips, and fissures from general wear-and-tear in the pipeline can rapidly increase the rate of corrosion.

Need Help with Pipeline Corrosion Protection?

Hopefully, this guide has shown you why pipeline corrosion protection is so important. No matter the environment your pipelines are in, they are susceptible to the business-ruining effects of corrosion.

If you need help protecting your metal pipes from environmental hazards, consider checking out our products. We make easy-to-install pipeline guards that will protect your pipes from the most corrosive environmental properties. What’s more, they don’t interfere with any cathodic protection methods you may already have in place.

Pipeline Corrosion Protection Methods

Posted by & filed under Pipe Corrosion.

Corrosion is a terribly annoying byproduct of metal pipelines. A recent study found that the global cost of corrosion to float somewhere around $2.5 trillion, which makes pipeline corrosion protection methods critical.

That’s nearly 3.4% of our planet’s global GDP.

If you own a factory or plant that houses pipelines and other metalworks, you probably already know what a cursed affliction corrosion can be. But if you’re trying to make your profit margins as wide as possible, you need to try your best to win in this battle against mother nature.

Below, we’ll detail 3 pipeline corrosion protection methods you can use to protect your hardware.

1. Cathodic Protection

Cathodic methods of corrosion protection are by far the most complicated, but it’s very effective. Cathodic protection works by creating an electrical current around the pipe using anodes and cathodes. Simply put, this system repels corrosive molecules away from the pipe.

In a sacrificial cathodic protection system, the cathodes begin to corrode instead of the more important metal pipes.

This method protects against galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion happens when two metals are placed closely together in a corrosive environment – i.e. salty seawater or wet soil.

2. Metal Selection

In addition to cathodic protection, you can also select metals and other materials that are less susceptible to corrosion when creating your pipelines. No metal is truly immune to corrosion. What once came from the ground will have to return in death, but some are better than others.

Materials such as stainless steels, plastics, and special alloys can greatly extend the life cycle of a pipeline. Nickel, stell, or titanium alloys are particularly good at preventing corrosion. This is especially true when coupled with a different protection method like cathodic protection.

It’s also important to monitor the surface of the materials once you’ve put them to use. Cracks, chips, and fissures from general wear-and-tear in the pipeline can rapidly increase the rate of corrosion.

3. Environmental Modification

Since it takes two to tango when it comes to corrosion, you can also try to change the other end of the equation: the environment itself.

Corrosion occurs when the metals of your pipeline come into contact with the corrosive liquids and gasses in its environment. So you can also reduce corrosion by trying to get rid of or reduce the corrosive elements in your environment.

You can do this simply by limiting the metal’s contact with rain and other water by shielding it with some form of insulation, thus changing its environment.

You can also use different methods to reduce the amount of sulfur, oxygen, phosphorous, or chlorine in the soil or water the pipe is submerged in.

Need Help With Your Pipeline Corrosion Protection Methods?

Hopefully, this brief rundown of pipeline corrosion protection methods has given some ideas on how to limit the rate of corrosion at your factory or plant.

If you’d like material assistance in further preventing corrosion, you might want to check out our products. We make padding you can apply to your pipeline with a simple peel-back adhesive that will guard your pipes against corrosion.

cathodic protection system

Posted by & filed under Pipes.

Haven’t taken the necessary steps to secure the safety of your pipes? Then it’s a good thing you’re here.

Corrosion is a natural occurrence, but it’s not one that you want to happen at your business or your home. Protecting your pipes should be of utmost importance.

There are two safe cathodic protection systems that are proven to extend the life of your pipes. Read on to find out more – and to learn which system is right for you.

Galvanic Cathodic Protection System

There are two types of cathodic protection systems: the galvanic protection system and the impressed current protection system.

The galvanic protection system works when sacrificial anodes are fixed to the piping during the manufacturing phase. This requires special wiring for an inspection station to be installed near the surface of the ground.

Galvanic systems have a limited lifespan that depends on the life of the sacrificial anodes, which will continue to degrade as they protect the piping. Once the sacrificial anodes fail, the pipes will start to corrode.

This form of protection is the more common of the two since it’s much easier to set up and maintain. But it doesn’t hold up as well as the impressed current system.

Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System

The impressed current protection system takes a different (and perhaps more complex) route.

The impressed current system has a rectifier that allows it to convert an alternating current to a direct current to slow the formation of rust.

In other words, it uses an external power supply to drive continuous current through the pipes, minimizing the amount of corrosion.

Because of this, the impressed current protection system usually provides a much longer lifespan than the sacrificial anodes of the galvanic protection system.

If needed, the current can also be modified to be stronger or weaker, and the greater amount of control does drive people to choose this option over the galvanic system.

That being said, the impressed current system is considerably more expensive than the galvanic system, and it’s much more permanent – meaning once it’s installed, there’s really no going back.

Make sure to think hard before you go for this option.

So What’s the Best Choice?

Both the galvanic system and the impressed current system do the job (to varying degrees of power and longevity) so the best choice is really based on your personal preference.

Most companies tend to choose the galvanic system because it’s easy to buy and install the necessary parts. Plus, replacement parts are easy to come by, and its a cinch to switch them out.

The impressed current system makes sure that the job is done right for a much longer period of time, but replacing the parts will not be an enjoyable task.

Both systems are safe for the environment, so it all comes down to your needs – and your wallet.

Give Us a Call

No matter what system you choose, you need to make sure it’s done by the pros.

Find out more about how we do business, as well as tips to get the most life out of your pipes.

Still have questions? Send them our way. We’ll look into it and get back to you with factual answers you can trust.

We look forward to hearing from you.

corrosion of pipelines

Posted by & filed under Pipe Corrosion.

America transports goods and other forms of material through 2.4 million miles of pipelines.

Crude oil, natural gases, sewer, and most importantly, water travels through these pipelines, which is why the need to understand the environmental factors that cause corrosion of pipelines is important.

Corrosion of pipelines is the leading cause of tank and pipeline failures. The United States spends $7 billion per year to monitor, replace, and maintain pipelines.

Billions can be saved if more knowledge regarding the factors that cause corrosion of pipelines was made more readily available.

Here are 4 environmental factors that can speed up the corrosion of pipelines.

Soil Resistivity and Corrosion of Pipelines

Soil Resistivity is an environmental factor that has to do with the amount of soil that resists the circulation of electricity through it.

The electric current that’s determined by soil resistivity promotes pipeline corrosion.

In a 12-month study on the relationship between soil resistivity and corrosion, the Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering concluded that soil resistivity not only affects metals–of which pipelines are made of–but serves as an early indicator for the growth rate of corrosion.


Humidity is a form of dew point corrosion that causes environmental corrosion in pipelines.

Dew point corrosion has to do with the damage that arises when the air rises to a certain temperature and the rate of its evaporation and condensation are at the same pressure.

Corrosion in steel pipelines happens in places where the humidity is very high. In Florida alone–which is a tropical state– there are over 31,177 miles of pipelines, 531 of which carry hazardous liquids.

Tropical states carry humid temperatures year round, a dangerous environment for pipelines. Corrosion is imminent.


Saltwater is another environmental factor that causes pipelines to corrode.

Steel pipelines that are exposed to saltier bodies of water like sea water corrode much faster than those near fresh water.

Salty water must be considered when making an attempt to prevent or manage pipeline corrosion.

Sulfur Dioxide

Environmental gases affect the rate of corrosion of pipelines as well. Sulfur Dioxide is one of them.

Sulfur Dioxide, usually found on the back label of most dried, packaged fruits, is a loud-smelling chemical compound.

Though harmless when it’s coated on a batch of apricots, sulfur dioxide turns to sulfuric acid when it’s combined with water and air.

Sulfuric acid is corrosive to steel.

In Summary

Miles of the American underground is inhabited by pipelines, underlying all fifty states.

Almost 200,000 of them transport hazardous liquids, while more than 300,000 haul different gases. These liquids and materials pass directly under our homes and businesses.

The United States could save billions of dollars if environmental factors were a consistent focus. These environmental factors–soil resistivity, humidity, saltwater, and sulfur dioxide–corrode pipelines, destroying the life and health of them over time.

Protecting pipelines against environmental factors that disrupt the safety of transporting hazardous materials is imperative. There are benefits to pipeline protection.

Check out our blog to find out more information and helpful hints about pipeline corrosion and the benefits of pipeline protection.

corrosion of pipelines

Posted by & filed under Pipe Corrosion.

The influential National Association of Civil Engineers (NACE) Cost of Corrosion study estimated a $276 billion in direct costs annually associated with metal corrosion in 2002. In the production and manufacturing sector alone, this is a cost of $17.6 billion every year.

Corrosion is a natural occurrence and the costs associated cannot be eliminated entirely. The NACE study notes that 25%-30% of annual corrosion costs can be saved by using optimum corrosion management practices.

To prevent and control corrosion, consider the specific material to protect. What product is transported or processed? Are there environmental concerns such as saltwater or soil to consider?

Need to figure out the correct corrosion inhibitors for your pipeline? Read on to learn more.

Don’t Let Corrosion Begin

Corrosion is the primary cause of failure of pipelines and tanks. Up to 80% or $4.5 billion of the annual cost to maintain, monitor and replace these assets is due to corrosion. Corrosion inhibitors are part of the annual maintenance of your pipeline, and while costly, the alternative is much more expensive.

Selecting the correct materials for your pipeline is the first step. Take into account the material to be transported, the distance and the environment.

Corrosion requires two dissimilar metals and a current-conducting medium between the two. Preventing contact between the metals and the electrolyte medium is the goal of any inhibitor.

Four Types of Corrosion Inhibitors

A corrosion inhibitor is a material that attaches to a metal surface, providing a protective barrier against a corrosive reaction developing.

Types of corrosion inhibitors:

Anodic inhibitors react with oxygen to form a thin film on the surface of the metal. They reduce the corrosion potential of the material by oxidizing a surface layer that is less reactive to corrosive elements.

Cathodic inhibitors slow the cathodic reaction itself or limit the diffusion of reductive elements such as hydrogen or oxygen to the metal surface. Examples are cathodic poisons such as arsenic and selenium ions which slow the reaction or oxygen scavengers such as sulfite ions which limit the diffusion of oxygen.

Mixed inhibitors are compounds that form a film or precipitate to reduce both the cathodic and anodic reactions. Sodium silicate and phosphates used in domestic water softener salts to prevent rust water are examples.

Volatile corrosion inhibitors are compounds delivered to the site of corrosion in a closed environment. They form a protective film only a few molecules thick. For example, in boilers, volatile compounds such as morpholine or hydrazine, are transported with steam to prevent corrosion in condenser tubes.

In shipping, wrapping metals in volatile corrosion inhibitor-coated paper is a common short-term protection against corrosion during transit. The chemicals in the paper continuously vaporize and fill the airtight package to protect against moisture and humidity.

Engineers Evaluation

Corrosion protection is a necessary part of asset maintenance for pipelines and tanks. Professionals develop specific protection strategies using some or all of these types of inhibitors as appropriate to their environment.

For more information about pipeline corrosion protection, tips and techniques, read our blog or ask questions below.